How the most prominent skeptic abandon her diploma and started pursuing the alternative and holistic medicine path
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In the eyes of most patients, the only clue of healing is the disappearance of their symptoms. How many people wake up and fall asleep every day with the same symptom and how many of them are actually determined to change that? I was a regular faculty of medicine student who had a lot of ‘mysterious’ symptoms. A girl who believed in every word of every teacher she met, who laughed at all non-traditional treatments and mocked every believer. What was important to me was my academic performance and my health the latter of which was getting worse and worse.
Only when I started working on my Rehabilitation master’s degree, I came to realize that there is something more. At that time, my health was starting to crumble - since childhood I was suffering from bladder inflammation at least a couple of times a month, I started to feel a headache from the moment I woke up until I fell asleep every day. I was looking for a reason - I have seen a lot of doctors, went through even more research, and yet there was no specific answer. And I was angry why no one understood, why no one found what was happening to me. I took medications for conditions I did not have at the time the days went by - the amount of medication increased, it became more and more difficult to study, and taking a bag of medication and food supplements everywhere I went started being more and more usual even though I was only 23 years old at that time. My boyfriend was still cautiously trying to tell me to look for reasons with the help of holistic and alternative medicine, but I wouldn't be a real lover of western medicine if I agreed, I thought.
Time passed and after more than half a year I agreed to try to visit a non-traditional medicine representative. It’s probably easy to guess how everything turned after that. I found a woman who was a western medical doctor but left that path. At first, when she was telling me about energy imbalances in my body it was hard not to laugh. I didn’t believe it when I heard that the cause of my headache was my kidneys. She prescribed me an energy-infused medication and I came home mocking such a method with as an equally painful headache as I was used to. Of course, when nothing changed in the first few days, I thought that I knew it couldn’t help. But when I woke up one morning two weeks later, I didn’t feel a headache. I haven’t changed anything, after all, no doctor has identified the reason why it doesn’t hurt anymore? And it turns out that the reason was what I was most skeptical about. As time went on and the headaches became less frequent, the inflammation of the bladder did not return as well. Skepticism gradually faded, and as I continued my treatment, I became interested in alternative medicine methods, studying for my degree during the day, and reading about quantum physics, homeopathy, oriental medicine, energy, and psychology during the night.
Why chemical drugs did not help me but homeopathy and energy-infused medicine did? The symptoms that I have lived with my whole life have disappeared one after the other and I have become healthier and more energetic. Then I pulled out my deeply hidden thought that there was something more and started learning about it. If it helped me - it had to help others as well. All of my research lead me to the Electrodermal screening (EDS) practice - I bought the device and start studying from professionals all over Europe, I read books in languages I didn't understand and translated every word to understand and learn more and more. There were days when doubts came back, but when I realized how many people can benefit from this as well, I gained even more courage. I moved from Europe to Los Angeles and started my Electrodermal Screening practice here. I realized that you need to know western medicine, quantum physics, homeopathy, Eastern medicine, counseling, and psychology to help a person understand their chronic symptoms and body.If you want to heal a person - you should heal from within - change the energy if you want to see an improvement. There is a cause for every symptom and there are measurable interfaces between our emotions, mental body, and physical body. Each of us can start to heal no matter how difficult the situation is now. The real movement towards the goal begins with the courage to go. I love western medicine with all of my heart but I also love the holistic and alternative ways even more. I believe that traditional and alternative approaches can lead each other.
My energy comes from empowering people to be the most important health creators and change-makers of their lives and learning from them in the process. Our main right is the right to choose, I choose not to cure illness - but to create health.