Contact us.
(424) 371-4426

2222 Santa Monica Blvd Suite 105

Santa Monica, CA 90404

Book an appointment.


What is the simplest way to describe what you do?

Electrodermal Screening is not just a quantum physics-based tool; it's a comprehensive and transformative approach to holistic wellness. We understand that your body's symptoms are often manifestations of underlying imbalances, and treating these symptoms alone can provide only temporary relief. Our revolutionary approach delves deep into your body's energy systems to uncover the fundamental imbalances causing your symptoms. Specifically, we focus on the body’s electricity and light emission, which are fundamental for cellular function.

How can EDS help someone with a chronic illness?

Yes, Electrodermal Screening (EDS) can be extremely beneficial for individuals with chronic illnesses. By assessing the body's energy systems, EDS helps identify underlying imbalances and disturbances that may be contributing to the chronic condition. This deeper understanding allows for the development of personalized treatment plans aimed at addressing the root causes, rather than just managing symptoms, leading to more effective and lasting improvements in health.

What is Electrodermal Screening?

Electrodermal Screening (EDS) is a diagnostic tool used to measure the body's energy states by assessing electrical conductivity at specific points on the skin. This non-invasive technique helps identify underlying imbalances in the body's energy flow, providing valuable insights into overall health.

How long will a session be?

Typically, a session lasts between 1.5 to 2 hours.

After our initial visit, how often should I expect to schedule any follow-ups?

Most people start noticing changes within two weeks. Typically, we schedule a follow-up appointment in two months to assess how your body is changing. For some individuals, two visits are enough to achieve significant results.

Is EDS safe?

Yes, Electrodermal Screening (EDS) is safe. It is a non-invasive method that uses low-level electrical currents to measure the body's energy states, without causing any discomfort or adverse effects.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare or bring to the session?

You don't need to do anything special to prepare for the session. Just bring any supplements you are currently taking.

Can EDS replace traditional medical tests?

No, Electrodermal Screening (EDS) should not replace traditional medical tests. EDS is a complementary tool used to gain additional insights into the body's energy systems and identify potential imbalances. It is best used alongside conventional medical tests and treatments to provide a more comprehensive understanding of your health and to support holistic and integrative care.