What is health?

Is it perfect functioning in one specific environmental or it is optimal functioning in any kind of environment?

There is neither perfectly stable health nor a total illness.

And to understand this fact is one of the struggles, but don't get it wrong - our bodies are always capable to improve and heal.

When we experiance symptom we think that this is the problem that we need to solve. Your symptoms are not the ultimate problem but rather your body's response to the problem. The main goal for the body is to balance the WHOLE YOU and symptoms represent a small sacrifice while trying to achieve the main goal. What other language should our bodies use if we don’t listen to the signs until it screams? But once we feel the symptom we are ready to solve it as soon as possible. I want to repeat - Your symptoms are not the ultimate problem but your body's response to the problem. and there is always a way to find the actual problem.

Your health is the interplay between the symptom itself, you, and the environment.

And to break down this triangle and find the way to heal and feel the health, whatever it means for you, is more than possible.


How does Electrodermal Screening work?


Interface between physical, emotional, and mental symptoms II